A. Don't panic!! Its really not a big deal. In fact, in America, you'd be hard-pressed to find a penis with a foreskin, most US docs routinely snip them off at birth. In the UK, we usually leave our boys intact unless parents request it for religious reasons. The circumcised penis can sometimes require slightly different handling to an intact one. Your boyfriend may prefer to use more lubrication than uncircumcised men when it comes to straight sex or masturbation, so invest in some condom-safe lube. With oral sex, its nicer, simpler and cleaner for you, lets just leave it at that :) During intercourse, no foreskin means more friction for both of you, which can be a good thing of course! But if that friction gets uncomfortable, again, try using a little lube.
Another Serial Mistress????
9 years ago
I've never seen a man who was uncircumsized.